pudge@pcix.com (Chris Nandor) writes: } Is there a way to send MacPerl an argument from AppleScript and vice versa, } i.e.: } } property test : 1 } tell application "MacPerl" } Do Script "$x = 1 + test" } end tell } return $x } } Thanks, Do Script wants a string, but Applescript doesn't do string interpolation the way Perl does. You have to do it the Applescript way: property test : 1 tell application "MacPerl" Do Script "$x = 1 + "&(test as string)&";print\"$x\\n\";MacPerl::Reply($x);" end tell (The print's there just so I could make sure the right thing was happening inside MacPerl.) You can't "return $x" since Applescript doesn't know what $x is. Note that you have to use MacPerl::Reply to get something back (or use batch mode). The result of the Do Script will be in the Applescript variable "result" (command-L in the Script Editor will show it to you), and note that it's a string. } } } #================================================================ } perl -e 'srand();if(rand>.5){$i=0;foreach(@ARGV){@$i=split(//);$z } [$i]=0;foreach$l(@$i){$s[$i][$z[$i]]=$l;$z[$i]++;}$i++;}foreach$m } (@s){foreach$g(@{$m}){print$g}print" ";$m++}}else{print(join(" ", } @ARGV))}print"\n"' McClellan Clan Motto: Think On } } Chris Nandor pudge@pcix.com } PGP Key 0xB76E72AD http://pudge.petersons.com/ } } } --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us