I've this script that runs without problems under Linux, but that refuses to do it's work in MacPerl. The -w switch is silent in both systems. Anybody could please help me? #!/usr/bin/perl -w $/ = ""; $* = 1; print STDERR "Procesando: "; foreach $arc (@ARGV) { print STDERR "[$arc] "; open (DATA, $arc) || die "No puedo abrir $arc\n"; read (DATA, $_, 1024); close (DATA); $version = 3 if (m/Photoshop 3\.0/); $version = 2 if (m/Adobe_Photoshop2\.5/); if ($version == 3) { s/(.*)8BIM\004\004(.*)[^(8BIM)]8BIM\003/$2/g; } elsif ($version == 2) { s/(.*)8BIM\003\374(.*)[^(8BIM)]8BIM\003/$2/g; } while (m/8BIM/) { $aux = substr ($_, 0, rindex ($_, "8BIM")); $_ = $aux; } s/\n/\040/g; s/\000//g; s/\015/\040/g; s/\207/\341/g; # 'a s/\216/\351/g; # 'e s/\222/\355/g; # 'i s/\227/\363/g; # 'o s/\234/\372/g; # 'u s/\226/\361/g; # ~n s/\250/\277/g; # '? s/\255/\241/g; # '! s/\201/\374/g; # "u s/\256/\253/g; # << s/\257/\273/g; # >> s@foto: @</I><B>Foto: @i; print "<IMG SRC=\"$arc\"><BR><I>$_</B><P>\n\n"; } print STDERR "\n"; It extracts the commentaries on JPGs generated by PhotoShop. I know that it's dirty, but it works... on Linux. -- La Mancha, http://uxcomp2.iimas.unam.mx/~mancha casa://AvCopilco.162.edificio.22.depto.1003/~mancha ring://550-1829.df.telmex.com.mx/~pedir.por.mancha chamba://cubo-320.iimas.unam.cu/~mancha