At 11:15 AM +0000 on 12/28/96, Nigel Chapman wrote: }I am puzzled. In the synopsis for IO::Handle it gives the following example: } } use IO::Handle; } } $fh = new IO::Handle; } if ($fh->open "< file") { } print <$fh>; } $fh->close; } } } }Even if you correct the syntax error, it doesn't work. There is no open }method defined for this class, and the autoloader cannot find one. (I am }using MacPerl5.10r2, standalone 68k version, both Big and ordinary, and the }latest version 1.14 of IO::Handle.) Is it supposed to autoload something, }which is not present in my set-up (does autoloading only work on }PowerMacs?), or is the documentation just out of date (there was an open }method which worked fine with the old FileHandle class)? You're right in that there seems to be no open method in File::Handle. Your example script fails to work on a Sun workstation running Perl 5.003 and the latest version of the IO package, 1.14. It fails trying to autoload open. This seems to be a documentation problem, since the IO::File class seems to be just the IO::Handle class with an open method. Using IO::File instead of IO::Handle is the first step in fixing this. However, there's a second, very minor, problem I noticed if you use IO::File, and will therefore go into my small collection of fixed library routines. On lines 138-142 an attempt is made to protect leading whitespace in a name by putting the appropriate thing at the front of the name (":" for Macs and "./" for Unix). However, the Mac version puts a ":" on the name all the time unless it begins with /. So the fix to line 139 in File is simply: $file = ":" . $file unless $file =~ m#^\S#; }You can work round it by just calling open as an ordinary function: } $fh = new IO::Handle; } if (open ($fh, "< file")) { } print <$fh>; } $fh->close; } } }but this seems very strange to me...why should close and everything else be }a method if open is not? } }I would be grateful if anyone could enlighten me as to whether this is a }MacPerl problem, a feature of the module, or some misconception of mine. Mostly it seems to be a mistake in the documentation of the module, which has not been fixed in IO-1.14. } }Thanks. -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693 Greenbelt, MD 20770