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Re: [MacPerl] PGP

>Unfortunately, I don't have a much better answer for Chris myself; I'm
>fairly sure that an Unix PGP module won't interface with MacPGP, and
>I don't know anything about what AppleEvents MacPGP supports.

MacPGP is possible to control using AppleEvents. Example AppleScripts are
available in the YA-NewsWatcher distribution. YA-NewsWatcher uses (or
rather supports) using AppleScripts to control itself and MacPGP to sign
and/or encrypt USENET messages.

You can download YA-NW 2.4.0 from any one of the following places :

<http://www.spectra.net/~dsaur/orchard.html>      - SW repository.
<http://www.tss.no/~link/NewsWatcher/ya/dist/>    - European YA-NW mirror.
<http://www.ese.ogi.edu/pub/network/newswatcher/> - NewsWatcher, all versions

The sample AppleScripts are also available in previous versions of
YA-NewsWatcher which can be found at any Info-Mac mirror.

Party? Party, lord? Yes, lord. Right away, lord.
        - Beopunk Cyberwulf