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Re: [MacPerl] Columns

At 8:19 1/2/97, Nico.Rozendaal@NP.UNIMAAS.NL wrote:
>I have a (text) file with the following format:
>123420010110010010101  (and so on this way => )
>and so on...
>Now let's say the first four characters are a PIN number,
>the following two characters the subject's age, and so on.
>How can I read such a file split in (fixed) columns ?
>I would like to insert tabs at the end of each field, creating
>a tab-delimited text file.

$s    =  '123420010110010010101';
$s    =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d)(\d{14})/;  #read the regular expressions
$pin  =  $1;                             #man pages for more info
$age  =  $2;
$oth  =  $3;
$misc =  $4;

print "$pin\t$age\t$oth\t$misc";         #"\t" = tab

Or, on the whole file:

open(FILE,$filename) || die "$!\n";
open(NEWFILE,">$newfilename") || die "$!\n";
while($s = <FILE>) {
        $s    =  '123420010110010010101';
        $s    =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d)(\d{14})/;
        $pin  =  $1;
        $age  =  $2;
        $oth  =  $3;
        $misc =  $4;
        print NEWFILE "$pin\t$age\t$oth\t$misc";

I used to be a bartender at the Betty Ford Clinic.

        --Steven Wright

Chris Nandor                                              pudge@pobox.com
PGP Key 0xB76E72AD                                      http://pudge.net/