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Re: [MacPerl] UNIX to Mac linebreaks

Chris Nandor wrote:
> Does anybody know of a droplet or something to change UNIX linebreaks to
> Mac linebreaks?  I have BBEdit, but I wanted something to do it in batches,
> drag-n-drop style.

Try the following. It works for me, subject to these caveats. I have
found that MacPerl droplets (version 5.0.7r1m) only work if MacPerl is
also running. The droplet itself needs a fair bit of memory to convert
even the smallest file: I give it 1500k. As I come from an environment
where one always makes a backup copy of any file, the script does
likewise, rather than editing the file in place. However, in MacPerl,
`unlink' does not always remove the backup file afterwards, for some

eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
& eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $argv:q'
if 0;

# convert line feeds to carriage returns

# loop to process each file
foreach $INFILE (@ARGV)

# delete the temporary files
foreach $INFILE (@ARGV)
        unlink "$INFILE.old";
# process a single file
sub proc_file
        # rename  file
        rename($INFILE, "$INFILE.old")
                || die "\nCannot rename file $INFILE.old!\n";
        # open file
        open(OLD, "$INFILE.old")
                || die "\nCannot open $INFILE.old!\n";

        # create new file
        open(NEW, ">$INFILE")
                || die "\nCannot create $INFILE!\n";

        # loop to process file
        &proc_line while <OLD>;

        # set creator & type for BBEdit
        &MacPerl'SetFileInfo("R*ch", "TEXT", "$INFILE");

# process a single line
sub proc_line
        # convert line feed to carriage return

        # print
        print NEW $_;


Good luck.

Paul Leslie.