}Vicki Brown <vlb@cfcl.com> wrote: }>I'm hoping someone on this list might know of the availability of an HTML }>link checker written for Perl/Mac-Perl. }><snip> } }Vicki's request reminds me of something that I really need in the next week }or so, a Perl/MacPerl script that goes beyond a link checker to acting as a }simple web robot. What I need is an app that follows all the links on a }single web page and locally saves all of the linked documents. Any help }would be appreciated. There's a simple robot in libwww-perl-5. LWP::RobotUA, which pays attention to such things as robots.txt, and plays nice with remote sites. I've never used it, but it should work under MacPerl 5.13r2 with no trouble. } }-Chris Hammond-Thrasher } }________ }Chris Hammond-Thrasher }University of Alberta }cthrashe@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca }http://www.ualberta.ca/~cthrashe/ }(403) 433-3677 -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693 Greenbelt, MD 20770 schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us