Too much going on today... let's try this again. } writes: }}Help!! }} }}I can't get timelocal to work on my mac(s) }}It works on on my sun. } }Doesn't look like it. In fact, it looks like your Sun is wrong. } }}It's the very recent download... system 7.5.5 mac IIfx & more... }} }}here's my test: }} }}#!/home/johnh/BIN/perl5 -w }} }}require ""; }} }}# prints : }}# raw local time is 03/07/1997 13:12:24 5 65 0 }}# timelocal = ffffffff } }All 1 bits? On the Mac (I thought it was your Sun giving this) this is almost certainly a symptom of a bug in Perl 5.002. There are comparisons in that have to be made floating point in order to get them to evaluate properly. I have a fixed (which is what I used below since I have it installed in my MacPerl lib folder) at <>. What you should really do, though, is instead of using the ancient use Time::Local, which Matthias has already fixed. } }}# ... on my mac. }}# prints : }}# printf (...) interpreted as function at line 8. }}# raw local time is 03/07/1997 13:13:18 5 65 0 }}# timelocal = 332084ee }}# ... on my sun }} }} }} @timearray = localtime(time); }} ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = @timearray; }} printf ("raw local time is %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d %d %d %d\n", }} $mon+1,$mday,1900+$year,$hour,$min,$sec,$wday,$yday,$isdst); }} $ltime = &timelocal(@timearray); }} printf ("timelocal = %8x\n",$ltime); } }Here's what I get under MacPerl: } }raw local time is 03/07/1997 17:05:18 5 65 0 }timelocal = af45a6ee } }and on my Sun (Perl 5.003, SunOS 4.1.4) } }raw local time is 03/07/1997 17:07:46 5 65 0 }timelocal = 332091b2 } }I haven't checked to see whether the hex is right, but it should be on both. } }I don't know exactly what you're expecting. Looks to me like Perl on your }Sun may be messed up; notice the message about printf. You do realize that And I missed the fact that you were using -w, hence the message about printf. It's been one of those days. }the Unix and Mac zeroes of time are different, so the last hex numbers will }differ substantially? } } }--- }Paul J. Schinder }NASA Goddard Space Flight Center }Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 } --- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771