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[MacPerl] Ok - a small, generic set of db routines

#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Database read/write package.
#	by Mark Manning
#	This program is freeware.  Enjoy!  :-)
#	This is a generic database manipulation set of routines which
#	use the SYSOPEN, SYSREAD, and SYSWRITE commands to get and
#	put records to a database.
#	It is a very simple database program, isn't very smart, but it
#	works fairly quickly and is why I use it a lot.
#	How it works is that there is an index list kept in memory.  This
#	list's name varies depending upon the usage.  For example, these
#	routines are copied to, say, dbfUSER.pl when I am going to use
#	them to handle a user database.  Each of the routines are re-named
#	to be openUSER, closeUSER, etc....  If I were going to use this
#	as the routines to handle a city database I'd rename the file
#	dbfCITY and everything would be openCITY, closeCITY, readCITY,
#	etc....  Get it?  :-)
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Ok.  Once the index list is in memory, you are ready to use the
#	database routines.  I always make the index list contain the key
#	to the database itself as well as one or two other items which
#	will be contained within the database which I might also want to
#	use as a key.  So, for a user database you might want your index
#	list to contain the user's name and their password.  Or maybe
#	the user's name and their age.  Whatever.
#	The index list is always packed via the PACK command to store it
#	into the index file.  The UNPACK command (of course) has to then
#	be used to extract the various parts to the index.  So, for example,
#	if I was (again) using the user's database, my PACK command might
#	look like this:
#	$userIndex[$i] =
#		pack( "a40a20LL", "username", "password",
#			startingLocation, recordLength );
#	Where the "username" is the user's name.  The "password" is their
#	password.  The "startingLocation" is where in the database we
#	would have to go to find the start of this record.  And the
#	"recordLength" is the length of the record we wrote (or are going
#	to write) out.
#	Since the index file is a fixed length record database itself, it
#	can be written to and/or read from easily.  Also, since we mainly
#	just suck everything into memory - this file is opened only for
#	a very brief amount of time.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	So now we turn our attention to the database itself.  Unlike the
#	index file which is fixed length records, the database is a variable
#	length record database.  This means a record can be any length we
#	want it to be.  So now we run into some problems.  Mainly, what
#	if we have a record which is X length and then it grows to be Y
#	length.  Can we write it back out to the same location again?
#	No.  And what if we have a record which is X length, it shrinks
#	to size Y and then grows to size Z?  Can we easily keep track of
#	all of that?  Again - no.  So what do we do?  We say we don't care
#	what size the records are and always just stick the new record
#	onto the end of the database!  That's what we do!  Sorry!  My
#	immediate gratification syndrome has kicked in!  :-)
#	Anyway, if we are always just sticking the records onto the end of
#	the database you can't go wrong.  You don't have to check for
#	whether or not the record will fit because as long as you have
#	disk space - it will fit.
#	Ok - but now you are moaning "But the database will get too big
#	with all of these older, deleted records."  That's true.  That's
#	why I've written a compaction routine.  So when the database
#	reaches about two times it's size you just call the compaction
#	routine to squash it back down.  And of course - you will have
#	to modify the routine so it works on your system just as I have
#	had to do with mine.  :-)
#	But those things aside - The way in which the database works
#	is that we do not use the PACK and UNPACK commands.  Instead,
#	we use JOIN and SPLIT to put together and break apart the
#	records.  Why.  Ok, the reason is that this is a variable length
#	database and so each record will grow and contract as needed.
#	If we used PACK and UNPACK we'd have to figure out the alphanumeric
#	string to use each time we packed and unpacked everything and
#	that would take longer than just joining and splitting everything.
#	You also gain an extra benefit from using JOIN and SPLIT.  This
#	is that you can have two dimensional arrays.  It is done like
#	this:
#	If I have an array MYARRAY and I place various bits of information
#	into the array on each line of the array.  Like so:
#	$MYARRAY[0] = join( "\003", 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 );
#	(Ok so it's not the most original data in the world - who cares?)
#	Then I can further join the lines together to store them into
#	the database by doing the following:
#	$theLine = join( "\002", @MYARRAY );
#	So now you have a two dimensional array all stored within the
#	variable $theLine.  This is also where the variable part really
#	comes in handy.  By using an array, you can expand and
#	contract the array as needed and your records will also expand
#	and contract along with it.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	So there you have it.  A simple database program which uses
#	variable length records.  It always stores the new records at the
#	end of the database, thus insuring that we always have enough room
#	to store a record.  The process uses two databases: an index file,
#	and the actual database.  The index file is kept in memory and should
#	always be kept small.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Ok!  Did I hear someone say: "But how do you prevent two users from
#	accessing the database at once?"  Obviously you haven't
#	read the code.  Because of course(!) I provided a way to prevent two
#	users from hammering away at the database at the same time!  :-)
#	When the openXXXX is called, it looks for a lock file with the same
#	name as the database and index file.  So on a user's database, the
#	file would be named: user.lock
#	This file is checked to see if it is around.  If it is, then someone
#	else is using the file.  If not, then it is created.  All it contains
#	is the userid of the person who is presently using the database.
#	(Gotten by basically doing a whoami in another program so since it's
#	not that hard to do it's not included in the source code.  Sorry.  :-/ )
#	The program sets up a counter and begins checking the name of the
#	person who is using the database.  If the name changes (like someone
#	slips in before the user's program can get the file) then the counter
#	is reset and waiting continues.  But if the person's name in the lock
#	file doesn't change for 10 seconds, then the program chunks them in
#	favor of itself.  No program should keep the database open for more
#	than 10 seconds - except the compaction routine and it should always
#	be run in standalone mode anyway.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	In order to post this set of routines I have generalized the
#	contents.  But you should be able to modify and/or use the routines
#	as you see fit.  Have fun.
#	All places where you should substitute a word have been converted
#	to "user".  Thus, you would change "user" to whatever database you
#	are attempting to create.  Like let's say you wanted to create a
#	database to keep track of dogs.  Then you would change all occurrances
#	of "user" to "dog", all "USER"'s to "DOG"'s, etc....
#	Q&A can be answered via e-mail at markem@flash.net.  Please do not
#	attempt to contact me at the NASA e-mail address because we are
#	behind a firewall and you might not be able to get me at that address.
#	Thanks.  :-)
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	use FileHandle;
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to open the database.
#	As you will see, there is always a current directory ($curDir)
#	being passed to the routines.  The newer routines do not
#	employ this.  Instead, there is now a generic routine called
#	"pp" for Proper Path which figures out the correct path
#	for the files.  The manner presented though provides a more
#	generic method of dealing with multiple databases.  Other than
#	just changing the "/" to ":" in the file's pathname, the routines
#	work fine with MacPerl et al.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub openUSER
	local( $curDir ) = @_;
	local( $theFlag, $whoLocked, $theName, $i, $numRecords );
	local( @fileStats, @indexInfo );
#	Check the lock file.  Is it there already?  If so, we
#	have to wait until the other person is through.
	$theFlag = 0;
	$whoLocked = "";
	while( -e "$curDir/user.lock" ){
		if( $theFlag > 10 ){
			open( LOCK, "$curDir/user.lock" ) ||
				die "Couldn't open the lock file $curDir/user.lock - reading.\n";
			$theName = <LOCK>;
			close( LOCK );

			if( $theName eq $whoLocked ){
				unlink "$curDir/user.lock";
				else {
					$theFlag = 0;
					$whoLocked = $theName;

		sleep( 1 );

	open( LOCK, ">$curDir/user.lock" ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the lock file $curDir/user.lock - writing\n";
	print LOCK "$userID\n";
	close( LOCK );

	sysopen( INDEX, "$curDir/user.index", O_RDWR ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the index file $curDir/user.index - reading\n";

	@userIndex = ();
	while( sysread(INDEX, $userIndex[++$#userIndex], 48) ){

	close( INDEX );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to close the database.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub closeUSER
	local( $curDir ) = @_;

	unlink "$curDir/user.lock";

#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to read the database.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub readUSER
	local( $curDir, $userNumber ) = @_;

	local( $i, $curLine, $newLine, $oldLine );
	local( @theLine, @indexInfo, @newList );
#	See if the user number is within range.
	if( $userNumber <= $#userIndex ){
		@indexInfo = unpack( "a40LL", $userIndex[$userNumber] );
		$indexInfo[0] =~ s/\000+//;
		else {
			$theReply = <<HTML_CODE;
Content-type: text/html

User Database Error Screen

<body text=#CCCC00 link=#00DD00 vlink=#CCCC00 bgcolor=#220000>
<font size=+2>Could not find the given record...please try again.</font>

			print $theReply;
			exit( 0 );
#	Using the information from the user index, we index into the
#	database and load the proper record.
	sysopen( USER, "$curDir/user.dbf", O_RDWR ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the database file $curDir/user.dbf - aborting.\n";

	seek( USER, $indexInfo[1], 0 );
	sysread( USER, $newLine, $indexInfo[2] );

	close( USER );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Ok, we have a record from the database.  Let's split it up.
#	In order to split the incoming information up, we have to create
#	a new array.  This is done with the following command:
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	@theLine = split( /\001/, $newLine );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Now that the line is split up, we want to split it up even more.
#	The following is just an example of what might be in the file and
#	how to extract it.
#	Notice how we either just move the separated out lines of information
#	from the "$theLine" array or we split the two dimensional array
#	up via the SPLIT command.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	$curLine = 0;
	$userName = $theLine[$curLine]; $curLine++;
	@userStats = split( /\002/, $theLine[$curLine] ); $curLine++;
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Next be sure to go through and strip out uneccesary characters
#	which might be hanging around.
#	It is important to remember that even though the lines contained
#	within the file have already been stripped of unusable characters
#	when it is stored in the database, it never hurts to double check.
#	You might hit a bunch of null characters which stops your program
#	dead otherwise.  :-/
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	for( $i=0; $i<=$#userStats; $i++ ){
		$userStats[$i] = &stripUSER( $userStats[$i] );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Ok!  We've gotten our records - let's return.  Record information
#	is globally defined.  So it is always available!  The reason for
#	this is because otherwise the call line would be really rather long.
#	:-)
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to write to the database.
#	You should always put your record layout somewhere.  I always
#	put it in the write routine so I don't forget it.  In this case
#	it would look like this:
#	User Database
#	-------------
#	The User's Name ( $userName )
#	The User's Stats
#		Program Name
#		Program Version
#		Privileges (a=admin, p=programmer, u=user)
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub writeUSER
	local( $curDir, $userNumber ) = @_;

	local( $newLine, $recLength, $i, $oldLine );
	local( @theLine, @fileStats, @indexInfo, @newList );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Ok, this is outgoing information.  First strip off any strange
#	characters it might have before sending it to the database.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	for( $i=0; $i<=$#userStat; $i++ ){
		$userStat[$i] = &stripUSER( $userStat[$i] );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Now put everything into the array @theLine.
#	(Notice the totally original names I'm using!)
#	(Actually, I'm trying to be consistent so this is as easy to
#	work with as possible.)
#	Ok - time out here!
#	The records are joined in the following manner:
#	Single entries, such as the user's name below, are kept in their
#	own variables.  Arrays have each field joined together with \003
#	between each entry.  The entire array is joined together via
#	a join command with \002 separating each record.
#	Finally, each section of information contained within each
#	entry in the database is separated with \001.  So all of this
#	would look like this if you did a hex dump on the database:
#	Dump: /disk4/crdb/Scripts/user.dbf
#	Offset:    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f   0123456789abcdef
#	00000000: 42 61 72 72 79 02 52 6f 67 65 72 73 02 65 72 36 | Berry.Rogets.er6 |
#	00000010: 02 34 38 33 2d 38 31 30 32 02 4c 69 6e 43 6f 6d | .999-9999.Likcos |
#	00000020: 02 72 6f 67 65 72 73 40 63 68 65 65 72 73 2e 6a | .peters@chairs.j |
#	00000030: 73 63 2e 6e 61 73 61 2e 67 6f 76 02 50 61 73 73 | sc.nuss.com.Pass |
#	00000040: 77 6f 72 64 01 63 68 65 65 72 73 2e 6a 73 63 2e | word.chairs.jsc. |
#	00000050: 6e 61 73 61 2e 67 6f 76 02 6a 65 64 69 2e 6a 73 | nuss.com.jaho.js |
#	00000060: 63 2e 6e 61 73 61 2e 67 6f 76 02 6e 6f 77 68 65 | c.nuss.com.nowhe |
#	00000070: 72 65 2e 6a 73 63 2e 6e 61 73 61 2e 67 6f 76 02 | re.jsc.nuss.com. |
#	00000080: 73 61 6d 2e 6a 73 63 2e 6e 61 73 61 2e 67 6f 76 | sum.jsc.nuss.com |
#	00000090: 02 73 75 6e 2e 6a 73 63 2e 6e 61 73 61 2e 67 6f | .sut.jsc.nuss.co |
#	000000a0: 76 01 48 69 67 68 02 4c 6f 77 02 4d 65 64 69 75 | m.High.Low.Mediu |
#	000000b0: 6d 01 43 52 44 42 03 76 35 2e 30 61 03 75 02 45 | m.CRDB.v5.0a.u.E |
#	000000c0: 6e 69 67 6d 61 03 76 33 2e 30 03 75 02 4d 41 47 | nigma.v3.0.u.MAG |
#	000000d0: 49 4b 03 76 36 2e 30 35 03 61 02 4d 41 47 49 4b | IK.v6.05.a.MAGIK |
#	000000e0: 03 76 36 2e 30 35 03 75 02 4d 41 47 49 4b 03 76 | .v6.05.u.MAGIK.v |
#	000000f0: 36 2e 31 03 61 02 4d 41 47 49 4b 03 76 36 2e 31 | 6.1.a.MAGIK.v6.1 |
#	00000100: 03 75 01 43 6c 6f 73 65 64 02 4f 6e 20 48 6f 6c | .u.Closed.On Hol |
#	The above is from the USER database.  Notice the 01's and 02's
#	scattered around in the hex dump.  The 01's means the start of
#	a new field in the database and the 02's mean the start of a
#	new line of information in an array.  The 03's mean the start of
#	a sub-field inside of the array's line of information.  Or to put
#	this another way:
#	Berry is the user's first name and it is separated from Rogets
#	by a 02.  Thus, Rogets is another field of information inside of
#	the array.  Or, the array would look like this if it wasn't stored
#	in the database:
#	The array = 1)Berry
#               2)Rogets
#               3)er6
#               4)999-9999
#               5)Likcos
#               6)peter@chairs.jsc.nuss.com
#               7)Password
#	So the array is seven entries long.  Down below Berry's name you will
#	see a line which reads: CRDB.v5.0a.u.  This is the start of a two
#	dimensional array.  Each of the parts ("CRDB", "v5.0a", and "u")
#	are broken up with 03's which would mean that these are all separate
#	entries.  When more information is wanted about a particular line in
#	the array, it is split apart via SPLIT( /\003/, $theArray[$i] );.
#	So back to the program!  Let's join together the information into
#	a single record.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	@theLine = ();
	$theLine[++$#theLine] = $userName
	$theLine[++$#theLine] = join( "\002", @userStat );
	$newLine = join( "\001", @theLine );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Now we find out where this information is to be placed.  We do this
#	by first extracting the key(s) from our database.  In this case,we
#	only have the user's name.  Remember though that packing information
#	can lead to having trailing null characters or spaces.  We use
#	NULLs in this database.  So strip them out afterwards.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	@indexInfo = unpack( "a40LL", $userIndex[$userNumber] );
	$indexInfo[0] =~ s/\000+//;
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Find out where the end of the database is presently.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	@fileStats = stat( "$curDir/user.dbf" );
	$recLength = length( $newLine );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	And write everything back out.  The index file is updated first
#	and then the database file.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
	$userIndex[$userNumber] = pack( "a40LL", $indexInfo[0], $fileStats[7], $recLength );
	sysopen( INDEX, "$curDir/user.index", O_RDWR ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the index file $curDir/user.index - writing\n";

	seek( INDEX, $userNumber*48, 0 );
	syswrite( INDEX, $userIndex[$userNumber], 48 );
	close( INDEX );

	sysopen( USER, "$curDir/user.dbf", O_RDWR ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the database file $curDir/user.dbf - writing.\n";

	seek( USER, 0, 2 );
	syswrite( USER, $newLine, $recLength );

	close( USER );

#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to find the userid's number (userNumber).
#	This routine actually is very essential to the whole workings of
#	these routines.  When you are going to work on an entry you
#	should always call this routine FIRST!  This will return either
#	a minus one (-1) to show it could not find the record or the
#	actual record number of where in the database the information
#	resides.
#	So why is this important?  BECAUSE THE NUMBER OF THE RECORD IS
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub findUSER
	local( $findWho ) = @_;

	local( $i );
	local( @indexInfo );

	$findWho =~ s/\000+//;
	$findWho =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
	for( $i=0; $i<=$#userIndex; $i++ ){
		@indexInfo = unpack( "a40LL", $userIndex[$i] );
		$indexInfo[0] = &stripUSER( $indexInfo[0] );
		$indexInfo[0] =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;

		if( $indexInfo[0] eq $findWho ){
			return( $i );

	return( -1 );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to add a new user's record to the list.
#	This routine is used to add in a new record.  Many times this
#	routine just returns whatever the index array's last number is
#	plus one.  With the user's database though I expanded the routine
#	to first check and make sure someone with that username hadn't
#	already been entered.  If they had, it creates a unique name
#	to store into the file.  :-)
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub newUSER
	local( $curDir, $userName ) = @_;
	local( $theCount, $theName );

	$theCount = 0;
	$theName = $userName;

	&openUSER( $curDir );
	while( &findUSER($theName) > -1 ){
		$theName = "$userName$theCount";

	$userIndex[++$#userIndex] = pack( "a40LL", $theName, 0, 0 );
	&writeUSER( $curDir, $#userIndex );
	&closeUSER( $curDir );

	return( $theName );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Routine to strip off extraneous characters.
#	This is the routine used to remove funky characters in a record.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub stripUSER
	local( $theString ) = @_;

	$theString =~ s/^\s+//;
	$theString =~ s/\s+$//;
	$theString =~ s/\000+//;

	return( $theString );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Compact the database
#	This is the routine to compact down the database.  It is run only
#	about once every couple of months or until the database increases
#	to about twice what it's current size is.  A 90,000 byte file
#	dropped to around 40,000 bytes when used.
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub compactUSER
	local( $curDir ) = @_;

	local( $i, $newLine, $recLength, $recNumber, $newIndex );
	local( @indexInfo, @theLine, @fileStats, @newList );
#	Create the new database and index.
	unlink "$curDir/new.index";
	unlink "$curDir/new.dbf";

	sysopen( INDEX, "$curDir/new.index", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0777 ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the index file - writing\n";
	close( INDEX );

	sysopen( DBF, "$curDir/new.dbf", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0777 ) ||
		die "Couldn't open the dbf file - writing\n";
	close( DBF );
#	Get the old database's index information.
	&openUSER( $curDir );
	@newList = sort @userIndex;
#	Remove duplicates.
	$oldLine = "";
	@userIndex = ();
	for( @newList ){
		@theLine = unpack( "a40LL", $_ );
		$theLine[0] = &stripUSER( $theLine[0] );
		next if length( $theLine[0] ) < 4;
		next if $oldLine eq $theLine[0];

		$oldLine = $theLine[0];
		$userIndex[++$#userIndex] = $_;
#	Move over each record
	$recNumber = -1;
	for( $i=0; $i<=$#userIndex; $i++ ){
		@indexInfo = unpack( "a40LL", $userIndex[$i] );
		$indexInfo[0] = &stripUSER( $indexInfo[0] );
		print "Working on USER: $indexInfo[0]...please wait.\n";

		if( length($indexInfo[0]) > 4 ){
			print "Writing USER: $indexInfo[0] to the new file...please wait.\n";
			&readUSER( $curDir, $i );

			@theLine = ();
			$theLine[++$#theLine] = $userName;
			$theLine[++$#theLine] = join( "\002", @userStat );
			$newLine = join( "\001", @theLine );

			@indexInfo = unpack( "a40LL", $userIndex[$i] );
			@fileStats = stat( "$curDir/new.dbf" );
			$recLength = length( $newLine );

			$newIndex = pack( "a40LL", $indexInfo[0], $fileStats[7], $recLength );
			sysopen( INDEX, "$curDir/new.index", O_RDWR ) ||
				die "Couldn't open the index file - writing\n";

			seek( INDEX, 0, 2 );
			syswrite( INDEX, $newIndex, 48 );
			close( INDEX );

			sysopen( DBF, "$curDir/new.dbf", O_RDWR ) ||
				die "Couldn't open the $curDir/new.dbf file - aborting.\n";

			seek( DBF, 0, 2 );
			syswrite( DBF, $newLine, $recLength );

			close( DBF );

	&closeUSER( $curDir );

	system( "chmod 777 new.dbf" );
	system( "chmod 777 new.index" );

	system( "mv new.dbf user.dbf" );
	system( "mv new.index user.index" );
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Some final notes:
#	The above is a complete database package in that it will read,
#	write, and find a record.  It will not delete a record.  I leave
#	that to you to do since it is very easy to do.  Also, this is
#	not the latest and greatest work I've done with this but an earlier
#	implementation of this database scheme.  However, the newer version
#	is 1)Not yet ready to be released, and 2)Probably will be retained
#	as a needed piece of software for NASA (and thus will probably not
#	be made publicly available).
#	Be that as it may - the above software does work and should be
#	usable by you with very little modification.  These changes being
#	mainly changing the word "user" to whatever word best describes
#	your need and by changing how many items are placed into the
#	database via the "$theLine" variable as given in the read and
#	write parts.
#	Have fun.  Again, Q&A's can be answered by me at markem@flash.net.
#	Later!
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------