At 18.30 97/3/17, Igor S. Livshits wrote: >At 3:24 PM -0600 on 3/17/97, Chris Nandor wrote: >>I've decided to button down and write (unless someone else has >>already started work on it). Let me know ASAP if someone is doing it, so I >>don't waste my time ... :-) > >Hmm, > >Why not just write a direct FTP module or borrow one from libnet-1.05? Because this allows for combining MacPerl interactivity with user direction. For instance, maybe I want to do a search for a file that will be started from a script, then browse through the Anarchie window. Or maybe I want to upload a directory of files automatically, and then upload or download a few manually. There are any of a number of possibilities. Imagine them yourself. I would prefer in many cases to have one FTP client for everything and leave it open. This just makes it simpler and easier (once the module is written). #================================================================ Chris Nandor PGP Key 1024/B76E72AD Keyfingerprint = 08 24 09 0B CE 73 CA 10 1F F7 7F 13 81 80 B6 B6