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Re: [MacPerl] GUI Modules

kevinl@mbagraphics.com (Kevin Lindsey) writes:
>Matthias writes:
>>I simply hadn't defined this access method yet (and I suppose it speaks well
>>of the intuitiveness of my interfacing that you expected it to be there in
>>exactly this way). As a workaround, the following might work:
>>[Workaround that *didn't* work snipped]

>When it executes the bless statement, I encounter the following error message:
>	hand is not of type Handle.
>I assume this means that $my needs to be blessed to "Handle", but I can't
>seem to get that to work for me either.

Sorry, I forgot that get() is XS code, which takes a narrow view on class
membership. I don't have much practice at handling my own creature yet
(I usually have it fed by my faithful servant Ivan).

The following *does* work, this time I tested it:

sub PicHandle::picFrame {
   my($my) = @_;
   bless $my, "Handle";
   my($r) = $my->get(2,8);
   bless $my, "PicHandle";
   bless \$r, "Rect";

The ISA line is not needed (or useful).


Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
   "Cannibalism, as a socially and morally repugnant deed, certainly
    deserves a better fate than the grammatical slaughter Mr. Panitz 
    offers above." -- William Ip