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[MacPerl] Shuck lookup from MPW

For you (us) hardcore MPW fans, here's a lookup script/menu item
for looking up PERL stuff from within MPW (this looks up the selection
from the active window):

===== Put this in a file called 'LookupPERL' =====

# if the char after the period is not an 'S' with a circle in
# the middle, replace it with an opt-6
set topic "`catenate "{active}.¤"`"

set class "misc"

#change this path to that of your Shuck 1.1(!!)
set App 'Internal:Development:MacPerl app:Shuck'

# if the char before the numbers on the next 2 lines is not
# an 'r' in a circle, replace them with opt-r
if ( "{App}" =~ /(Å)¨1:(Å)¨2/ )
	set AppName "{¨2}"
	set AppName "{App}"

set eventID "mvis"

set errn ''


set retVal "`sendae -e "{class}{eventID}" -t "{AppName}" -----TEXT "{topic}" -do`"

# if the char after the ) is not a capital greek sigma, replace it with
# an opt-w
) · Dev:Null

==== Put this in a menu =====
	Addmenu "Perl" "Look Up Perl Routine" 'LookupPERL'


Tom Kimpton
Mrs. Bun: Have you got anything without spam?
Waitress: Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got
much spam in it.
Mrs. Bun: I don't want any spam!