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Re: [MacPerl] Help with Perl/Browser data transfer

At 3.25 97/5/9, Angus McIntyre wrote:
>At 6:13 am +0200 09.05.97, Len wrote:
>>Just getting started with MacPerl5. I know there has to be a way to run
>>Perl scripts local using the form tag in html. When I use the POST method
>>Netscape finds the script, but does not run it. How do I get my scripts to
>>run local and pass variables from html to Perl as ENV variables, so I can
>>debug ?
>It can't be done (as far as I know) unless you're running a Web server on
>your machine.
>Your options are basically two:
>  1. Install a Web server (WebStar, MacHTTP) and access your
>     pages through that as you would any other Web server
>  2. Test your scripts separately, feeding them the required
>     environment variables manually (i.e. by hacking them
>     into the code of the script temporarily).
>If I'm wrong about this, I'd be fascinated to hear about it.

You are not wrong.  You can also write your own little server daemon, but
that would fall under No. 1 above.  And, of course, you would have trouble
running a server and a CGI at the same time under MacPerl.

Chris Nandor                 pudge@pobox.com                 http://pudge.net/
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