pittelli@ehsct7.envmed.rochester.edu writes: }I can't get time-conversion to work properly on a client's machine: }MacPerl5, MacOS 7.5 (non-powerPC). } }If I do a timelocal() on localtime(), the return seconds is not only off }by a HUGE number (initially need to set $date_correct = -14230008800 to }get the two times below to agree), but the deviation diverges with time! } }It's important that I can do the double-conversion as below (so I can }compare NOW seconds with an 'unknown' date/time seconds): Try this: #!perl $date_correct = 0; use Time::Local; @now=localtime(); $testsec= timelocal(@now) + $date_correct; @t=localtime($testsec); $n = "$now[4]/$now[3]/$now[5] $now[2]:$now[1]:$now[0]"; $r = "$t[4]/$t[3]/$t[5] $t[2]:$t[1]:$t[0]"; print "NOW TIME: $n\n"; print "RET TIME: $r\n"; } }Does anyone know whether this is typical for a Mac and whether this }problem is fixed in any particular (preferably 5.001+) build? }(could someone PLEASE run this on their system?) The problem is due to integer bugs in 5.002. They should be fixed in 5.004. Matthias has fixed the new Time::Local to avoid integer comparisons, but not timelocal.pl. You should just use Time::Local. } }At present, I don't know the exact build (not familiar with Mac Perl }enough to tell the client how to get specific build over the phone), but }I could find out with some help...REALLY just want to know what build }this works on! } }-Randy } } }-- }<-----------------------------------------> }| Randal Pittelli | }| Dept of Environmental Medicine | }| Univ of Rochester Medical Center | }| Rochester, NY 14642 | }| | }| TEL: (716) 275-0797 | }| FAX: (716) 256-2591 | }| pittelli@envmed.rochester.edu | }| http://www.envmed.rochester.edu/wwwrlp/ | }| --------------------------------------- | }| "Love only a god that dances" - F.N. | }<-----------------------------------------> --- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch