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Re: [MacPerl] System functions

At 10.59 8/1/97, Steven Maniscalco wrote:
>How would I perform the equivalent of the Unix perl function system(),
>say system("date") in MacPerl?

See the pod documentation for localtime() in perlfunc ('Builtin functions').

>Also,  can someone tell me how to access the Macperl help document
>provided with the distibution.  The error I am getting is..
>        Can not find helper for "pod".  Do you want to create one?
>I can create the "pod" in Internet Config however I do not know what
>helper to associate it with????

Set up IC to view pod with Shuck, which came with the MacPerl 5.1.3 (and
some earlier) distributions.

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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