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Re: [MacPerl] pb with Macdialog

lolo@ipbs.fr writes:
>i ve try a little script:

Wow! Great to see people try the toolbox modules! (Even if they trigger
all the bugs I'd left in :-)

>the pb is what is the param to 
>$user = $PORT->item_text($itemsdialog);
>where $PORT is Macdialog Object ???

Simply the item number.

>  		$itemsdialog = GetResource("DITL", 128);
>		if (( defined $itemsdialog ))
>		{
>			$r = pack("ssss",(50,50,210,410));
>			$rect = bless(\$r,"Rect");
>			$PORT = MacDialog->new($rect,"LOGIN -

You should be able to acheive all of the above with

$PORT = MacDialog->new(128);

provided you have a DLOG 128 resource.

>			#$PORT->modal(\&myfilter2);
>			#$PORT->modal();

You should call PORT->modal *after* you've set up the item_hit procedures.

>i always obtain:
># Can't locate object method "_GetDialogItemText" via package "Handle",

Yes, that's apparently a bug in Dialog.pm. You should be able to fix this
by adding parentheses around the calls of _GetDialogItemText and


Matthias Neeracher                                   neeri@iis.ethz.ch
   "These days, though, you have to be pretty technical before you can 
    even aspire to crudeness." -- William Gibson, _Johnny Mnemonic_

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