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[MacPerl] Help with standalones

I've written a Perl script that is ready to be placed on somebody's machine
as a standalone application, and have run into a couple of relatively minor
problems.  Hopefully someone on the list will have solutions.

1)  I was subscribed to the list under a different e-mail address for a
couple of months last year, and recall seeing a script to perform some of
the heavy labor in creating a standalone (ie searching through the script
to get a list of all the libraries required, and adding them as TEXT
resources).  I thought I saved a copy of this handy little thing, but can't
locate it on my hard drive or CPAN.  Does anybody have a copy they could
e-mail me?

2)  I added the TEXT resources by hand, and gave my stand alone to my dad
to try out on his machine.  Unfortunately, he had to rebuild the desktop
file before any files could be dropped on to the application.  Does anybody
know a way around this?

Thanks for any suggestions or tips.


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