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[MacPerl] MacPerl and type 1s and 2s

Subject:  MacPerl and type 1s and 2s

Please keep in mind I am just starting to use Perl & MacPerl (*but I have done
a lot of scripting in other languages before).

I have a MacPerl script which causes MacPerl to crash with type 1s and 2s. 
The first time it crashes, it makes it through a bit of the script.  If I run
it again, it does about half of that, and so on till I must reboot.  Yes, I
did up MacPerl's memory to 25 Meg.

The script is doing a bit of a recursive file listing for a server;  in each
listing of a folder I am checking for items that shouldn't be there.  

The script does listings of folders on folders on folders, > than 10,000
listings.  Each folder contains on the average 34 files, though about 100 of
those folders contain several hundred subfolders.  I am using ToolServer to
use MPW's directory command to do the listing (it was the only way I could
figure out how to get listings of files only or folders only or files of
certain types without doing any extra parsing).  Has anybody done anything
like this before?   This worked in small test cases;  when I tried it on the
full server, then I get the crashes

What I am wondering is if I am running out of memory in MacPerl?  With these
arrays containing the folder listings, when I don't reference them anymore do
they get garbage collected?  If not, can I force that?  I tried undef but
couldn't get it to compile, but that comes from me not knowing the syntax
correctly.  I could include the script but without the data I'm not sure you
can reproduce this.

Any help would be appreciated.


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