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Re: [MacPerl] question about appleevent

At 04.31 9/17/97, Georges Martin wrote:
>>AEDisposeDesc $evt;
>>AEDisposeDesc $rep;
>It's far beyond my knowledge of the Toolbox and MacPerl, but can't this
>kind of "garbage collection" be done by a "END" routine ?

Yes, but it can go there.  If this were OOP, then it could go in the
DESTROY sub.  But it can go anywhere you want it.

Regardless, I have never found a real need for AEDisposeDisc.  As Perl does
its own garbage collection, wouldn't AEDisposeDisc be unneccessary for a
script that didn't have a long run time?  Or would successive iterations of
the same script cause a memory leak if AEDisposeDisc wasn't called?  Anyone

Chris Nandor             pudge@pobox.com             http://pudge.net/
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