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[MacPerl] one appleEvent Q

I'm aware that lots of questions about apple-events been asked on the list,
but I don't really know this stuff, so if some one has an simple answer...

I'd like to send an apple event equivalent to the applescript
	tell application "my app"
	end tell

I'm trying to speed things a little bit (without writing too many AE's) by
putting some applescript into a "stay-open" AS app named "my app" and pass
a list from perl to a handle in "my app":

#### perl code:
	@aslista = ("just a ", "simple","check:",1,2);
	$aslista = '{"';
	$aslista .= join('","',@aslista);
	$aslista .= '"}';

tell application "my app"
end tell
In order to make this a (little bit) faster I should do this
MacPerl::DoAppleScript stuff using AE, it consists of one single event
I think it should be a misc-event, but I haven't even been able to write
unsuccessful code (yet, keep on digging as one mac scripter would have said)
I would not be surprised if this is complicated by the fact that "my app"
does not have a unique creator code. This could of course be fixed by
resedit, but since applescript handles it, maybe perl could too...

BTW "my app" contains this:

on dothis(lista)
	set Cellen to  (item 1 of lista)
	set Cellen to Cellen & return & (item 2 of lista)
	set Cellen to Cellen & return & (item 3 of lista)
	set Cellen to Cellen & return & (item 3 of lista)
	set Cellen to Cellen & return & (item 5 of lista)
	display dialog "I got:
" & Cellen
end dothis

but that's just for trying things out. I plan to talk to filemaker once I
get this to work...

Solvare - mathematics consulting & macintosh automation
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