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Re: [MacPerl] how to determine if 68K or PPC ??

Laurent Bardi writes  23 Sep 1997 20:17:54 +0200:

>is there a way to know if we are running on a 68K or a PPC
>(with macperl 513 and sys 7.5.5)

use Mac::Gestalt;
print Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType)

yields 4 for 68030 for example. Would that not do what you wnat?

>It seems that symlink makes alias ....
>But it doesn t seems to work "across volumes".
>Is there another "simple" way to create alias from native macperl (no AS)

There is a way of doing it (but not exactly "simple") based on the fact
that the 'alis' resource of an alias file is exactly the same as the string
returned by 'NewAlias' in 'Files.pm'.

But why do you say symlink() doesn't work across volumes? By way of a test
I have just creted an alias file on the desktop linked to a file on a
(mounted) floppy disk without any difficulty.

Alan Fry

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