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Re: [MacPerl] acgi vs cgi (fwd)

According to Chris Nandor:
> At 13.43 11/8/97, Strider wrote:
> >If I'm not mistaken, ACGI is Asynchronous Common Gateway Interface, as
> >opposed to Synchronous. The difference is that an ACGI doesn't wait for one
> >process to finish before another begins- faster, but it takes more memory
> >and I don't think it's supported by ALL servers, but any one that's good
> >(QPQ, WebStar, etc.) do. Even Netpresenz does, if I'm not mistaken.
> But I'm not sure how this relates to MacPerl, as MacPerl
> can only execute one at a time anyway, right?

Yes and no.  The problem really isn't MacPerl.  The problem
is the Mac's OS.  The Mac's OS will only allow one process
with a given name to execute at a time.  If the Mac's OS
was Unix based, then we would be able to run multiple
MacPerls.  But since the Mac uses filenames and resource
names instead of assigning each process a unique process
ID, it can only handle one program at a time.  You can test
this out by making a duplicate of MacPerl and renaming it
something like MacPerl2.  Then go in via ResEdit and change
the internal information so the Mac doesn't think it is
MacPerl anymore.  Then execute both MacPerl and MacPerl2.
Both will come up and run.  So why doesn't everyone do
this?  Well, first who wants all of the hassle?  And
second, I believe MacPerl uses a work file and the more
processes which attempt to use the work file the greater
the chance of things going wrong.  :-/

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