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[MacPerl] Bug report

I could not immediately find where to send bug reports, so I am sending
this to the list in hopes that the appropriate people will read it.

I am running a PCPro 180 with 64 megs of ram MacPerl 5.14r4 and I just did
the Nov. 13th patch.  The bug I found occurred before and after the patch. 
I am just learning perl, so my scripts are short and  -- well -- useless.  

To the point.  I have written several scripts where they will fail to
compile or run unintended (ie. infinite loops), but when I quit MacPerl and
re-compile, they work just fine.  Not that matters, because this is
impossible to reproduce, but the last script that did this was as follows:

	print "Enter number to add up (999 to quit): ";
	chomp($a = <STDIN>);
	last if $a eq "999";
	$b += $a;

print "The total is $b\n";


This one went into an infinite loop when first compiles.  When I quit and
redid it, it worked fine.

I am a newbie, but this can't be typical behavior.

     ( o o )
                                           Jon Jacob

  .oooO                                              541.488.8503
  (   )   Oooo.                                 Ashland, OR
---\ (----(   )-------------------------------------------------
    \_)    ) /

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