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Re: [MacPerl] CGI "additional path information" (off-topic)

At 16.38 11/22/97, Larry Prall wrote:
>Everything went well (slowly, but well) through the stuff in the Spring
>1996 issue, but when I got to the article in the next issue ("Saving
>State with CGI.pm") I ran into a problem. The technique used in the
>article requires using the "additional path information" part of the URL
>(between the name of the CGI script and the query string), and QPQ didn't
>recognize it. It took me quite a while to convince myself that it was in
>fact QPQ and neither the script nor MacPerl that had the problem. So I
>downloaded NetPresenz and gave that a try. Same result. Started looking
>at the CGI.pm module to see what I could learn about "path_info()" and
>found in the pod (Whoops! Always forget to RTFM.) the following note:
>                "NOTE: The Microsoft Internet Information Server is broken
>with respect
>to additional path information.  If you use the Perl DLL library, the IIS
>server will attempt to execute the additional path information as a Perl
>script. ..."
>That's exactly what I saw with both QuidProQuo and NetPresenz. I tried
>once more with MacHTTP 2.2, and again got the same result.

All Mac OS servers I know of will not try to parse out CGI from a path, i.e.:


Most Unix servers will treat '/bfisadbfsdf' as extra path information, and
send it as environmental information to the CGI.  But Mac servers will look
for a file called ':cgi-bin:env2.acgi:bfisadbfsdf'.

>It's hard for me to believe that all of the Mac Web servers are "broken
>with respect to additional path information"; am I missing something? Has
>anyone ever successfully used additional path information with CGI.pm and
>MacPerl with QPQ, NetPresenz or MacHTTP?

If I were you, I would simply make it a parameter:


Chris Nandor               pudge@pobox.com           http://pudge.net/
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