Here's a beginner's script that batch change file names. Would anyone care to show me a better code? I think this script can probably be made into 2 lines or so. The script traverse a specified folder and change each file to a new name. The name is pulled from the first line of the file that contains a date. ------------------ #!perl -w use File::Find; use English; use strict; find(\&fileFilter,'APS600:No need to backup:weblogs:'); sub fileFilter { if ($File::Find::name =~ m@[^:]$@) { renameFile($File::Find::name) }; }; # renameFile ("filePath") will rename the file by # a date pulled from the first line of the file. # If the line contains e.g. [17/Nov/1997:... # the name of the file is then 1997.Nov.17 sub renameFile { my($inFile,$line,@a); $inFile = $_[0]; open(WEBLOG,"<$inFile") || die("Error while open file: $!"); $line = <WEBLOG>; $line =~ m@\[(\d\d/\w+/1997)@; # e.g. [17/Nov/1997:01:37:00] $line = join ( '.', reverse(split m'/', $1)); @a = split(m':',$inFile); pop @a; $line = join(':', @a, $line); rename($inFile, $line) or die("Error in renaming file: $!"); close (WEBLOG); }; ------------------ Xah Mountain View, CA, USA ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to