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Re: [MacPerl] Console buffer problem?

At 19.19 12/13/97, Brian L. Matthews wrote:
>Consider the following script:
>print "Going to sleep...\n";
>sleep 10;
>print "The sleeper has awoken!\n";
>If I run this in a MacPerl that's been running, it works as expected--I get
>the first line of output, it sits there 10 seconds, then I get the second
>line of output. However, if I run it in a freshly launched MacPerl, the
>console window doesn't open and display output until the script has
>This is with the 68k regular application version of 5.1.5r4, on an 840AV
>running system 7.5.5.

Try setting autoflush.  Just append "$|++" to the beginning of the script.
I am not sure why it only does not work when MacPerl has just been opened,
but this should fix it.

Chris Nandor               pudge@pobox.com           http://pudge.net/
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