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Re: [MacPerl] 1900-2000 problem.

Some time around 12/18/97 1:30 PM CDT, Juergen Christoffel wrote 
something about

>At 19:55 +0100 18.12.97, Anders Gardebring wrote:
>>Just a small question.
>>Is it possible to ask MacPerl to give 4 figures rather than two when Im 
>>for the year?
>>Now Im doing like this:
>> @date = localtime;
>>        $date[5] +=1900; # Add 1900 to the year....
>>This is of course not so good when we pass year 2000....
>>Any help greatly appreciated :)
>When we pass 1999 Perl will return a year with 3 digits, so you should
>simply add 1900 to the year and always get the correct year.
>But you can use localtime in a scalar context instead of an array context
>and then you get a date line with a four digit year.
>$s = localtime;
>print $s, "\n";
>WIll print something like "Thu Dec 18 20:29:30 1997" which you can split
>and pop to get the four digit year.
>Strange but totally Perl ;-)

     I was just starting to write my response when this came in, so 
here's an addendum to the already correct response from Juergen:

     The Date::Format module, available from CPAN in 
modules/by-module/Date/TimeDate-1.07, is an excellent tool for quickly 
getting dates output in whatever form you want... you just pass it a 
template similar to a printf template and voila, your custom date string 
is returned, with no fuss and muss trying to parse out localtime for 


Dave Beverly (hUmAnErrOr)
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