On Mon, 8 Dec 1997 17:29:39 -0500, you wrote: >The file I'm parsing is 4.7mb, and >using 10mb of memory, Perl runs out. Is there a leak here, do hashes take >up a huge amount of space more than tab-delimited text, or what? Hashes take up a LOT of memory. About one month ago, I tried to do something similar with a file of under 300k, and 8Mb of RAM assigned to MacPerl. I got an "out of memory" error. Check MacPerl's memory usage (Finder) while it's loading the file. Be amazed how fast it's all being souped up. Also note that, if the file is small enough, all this memory is released again when the script ends. So: no memory leak there. But there probably IS a memory leak whenever MacPerl aborts a script with an "out of memory" error. In that case, a lot of heap memory isn't released. Or, it sure looks that way. Bart. ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch