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Re: [MacPerl] CGI problems (%ENV scrambled!)

On 22/12/98 Chris Nandor wrotte
>I know one other person mentioned a problem; Jean-Michel, were you also
>using a G3 PowerMac?  Did anyone else have this problem?  And if so, what
>was the configuration of your machine?

I use a  PPC9500 with a  604/120, with MP514.

What did happend with script is quite strange : asking the %ENV with a cgi
send back the liste fine. But just one time !
I didn't find out if it 's a Perl, a MacPerl problem or a cgi one, while
running  Webstar201.
Anyway, as far i don't have time now, i'll have to solve that "thing", if
it exist!  :-)

>Chris Nandor writes:
>|At 00.06 12/23/97, Brian L. Matthews wrote:
>|>Version: 5.004
>|>exists $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = ''
>|>exists $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = ''
>|>$ENV{'TMPDIR'} = 'Macintosh HD:Temporary Items:'
>|>exists $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} = '1'
>|>exists $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = '1'
>|>Interesting how hash elements that don't exist can still have values. :-)
>|%ENV on MacPerl is especially magic.  You might also notice that
>|while(($k,$v)=each(%ENV)) does not work.  The basic idea is that for each()
>|or exists() to work, the KEY has to be invoked first:
>So are you saying this behavior is on purpose? If so, I don't like it. :-)
>I realize %ENV is magic, in all versions of perl, but being it's used
>so often, one (well, at least I) would think it should work the same on
>the Mac as on Unix, at least within a perl script.
I won't say it again  |-)


                                                        Jean-Michel MEYER
                                                  Journaliste - Photographe

                       "L'objet du voyage n'est pas le but,  mais le chemin."

Proverbe Persan

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