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Re: [MacPerl] taint checks and CGI.pm

At 16.20 12/27/97, Karsten Meier wrote:
>        unshift @INC, "$ENV{MACPERL}lib:MacPPC:","$ENV{MACPERL}lib:"

>I needed to write
>        unshift @INC, "work:MacPerl Ä:lib:MacPPC:","work:MacPerl Ä:lib:"
>to get my script working.

>I'm still wonder why "use CGI" was secure,
>but the eval in autoload not.
>Has anybody experiences with this?

I have not seen it before.  I just checked it out, and you are right, it
bails on all AUTOLOADed routines, not just with CGI.pm, either.  Hm.  I'll
look into it, hopefully someone else can, too.  Best thing is to come up
with a solution similar to the first one that is portable, but works as
well as the second one.  Perhaps finding out why the second one works and
the first does not is the first step.

Chris Nandor               pudge@pobox.com           http://pudge.net/
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