Can anyone help me configure this. ###---------- Get the Current Directory and program title ---------- $curr_dir = ''; $windows = 0; if (index($0,'\\') != -1) #### True if running on Dos/Windows { $program_title = substr($0, rindex($0, '\\') + 1); $curr_dir = substr($0,0,-(length($0) - rindex($0, '\\') - 1)); $windows = 1; } else #### else running on *nix {$program_title = substr($0, rindex($0, '/') + 1);} ###----------------------------------------------------------------- ########################################################################## ################### Server Customization Variables ####################### ########################################################################## $server_address = ''; $secure_server_address = ""; ## "" $cgiwrap_directory = '/cgi-sys/cgiwrap/taussig/PolishBooks'; $cgi_directory = '/cgi-bin/shop'; ###must be actual cgi directory name (not 'cgi-bin' if aliased) $mail_via = 'sockets'; ### Either 'sockets' or 'sendmail' or 'blat' $blat_loc = 'c:\\winnt35\\system32\\blat'; $sendmail_loc = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $smtp_addr = ''; ### must use ip address on Win95, not hostname (hostname ok on NT) $catalog_home = '/catalog'; ### This is a Subdirectory of Public_Html, NOT cgi-bin!!! $home_page = 'index.shtml'; $image_directory = '/pics/shop'; ### This is a Subdirectory of Public_Html, NOT cgi-bin!!! $secure_image_directory = '/taussig/PolishBooks/images'; $image_location = "http://$server_address$image_directory"; $home_icon = 'home.gif'; ### must reside in $image_directory if it exists. $create_page_log = 'yes'; ### ("yes" or "no") $create_search_log = 'yes'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Apockotos Web Development and Systems Engineer Quadra.Net Communications, Inc 205 South Clark Avenue Tampa, Florida 33609 813.289.8116 An Internet Service Provider Visit Us Today! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to