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[MacPerl] Parsing Script

This is frustrating. I've done everything here, and I can't get this script
to work. It takes summarized log entries (in the form of
"Username\tDate\tlogins\tbad disconnects\tserver\n") and SHOULD sort them
by date, then username, and if both are the same, combine the records. I've
even gone through this line by line and tracked the variables. Because I
got it to work that way (on 'paper', but not running) I'm sure I've done
something stupid, be it simple or complex. By the way, I've used this
method because I will be dealing with 300mb files in the future. For now,
I'm using this 35 line example, and getting "S	9/5/97	554	1	0
	c3 " as a response.

- Strider

Input File (sum.tab) :

S	9/5/97	554	1	0	c3
t	9/2/97	14403	1	0	w2
t	9/3/97	14404	1	0	w2
t	9/5/97	33059	3	0	w2
c	9/1/97	652	1	0	b4
c	9/2/97	24123	13	2	b4
c	9/3/97	5758	6	1	b4
c	9/4/97	23898	17	0	b4
c	9/5/97	104	1	0	b4
r	9/2/97	355	1	0	w2
G	9/2/97	1897	1	0	c3
s	9/5/97	1539	1	0	o2
a	9/2/97	2569	1	0	p6
a	9/3/97	1273	1	0	o2
a	9/4/97	2460	1	0	p6
a	9/5/97	4465	1	0	p6
r	9/2/97	1678	1	0	p6
r	9/3/97	1238	1	0	p6
r	9/4/97	446	1	0	p6
s	9/2/97	1840	1	0	w2
s	9/4/97	1326	1	0	b4
s	9/5/97	10466	3	0	w2
e	9/2/97	1692	1	0	w2
e	9/4/97	6097	4	1	c3
e	9/5/97	3927	2	0	w2
s	9/2/97	3089	1	0	c3
s	9/3/97	2726	1	0	c3
s	9/4/97	2283	1	0	c3
s	9/5/97	7027	1	0	c3
R	9/2/97	177	1	0	w2
R	9/3/97	3365	1	0	w2
R	9/4/97	6291	2	0	w2
W	9/2/97	677	1	0	w2
W	9/3/97	2710	1	0	w2
W	9/5/97	1079	1	0	w2


open (IN, "sum.tab");
					#open input file
READ: while (<IN>) {
	if ($#db < 0) {$db[0] = $_; next READ;}
			#if there's no db array yet, just add the data and
	@_ = split/\t/;
						#@_ = split(on tabs) $_
(placed here for efficiency)
	$i = 0;
	while ($i <= $#db) {

		next READ if ($db[$i] eq $_);
				#if input and db array entries are equal,
go to next input
		$slash = "/";

		@dbc = split/\t/,$db[$i];
					#split $db[$i] by tabs
		@dbcdate = split/$slash/,$dbc[1];
				#split $dbc's date by tabs

		@_date = split/$slash/,$_[1];
				#split $_'s date by tabs
		$older = "";
		if ($_date[2] < $dbcdate[2]) {$older = 1;}
			#sort for year
		elsif ($_date[2] == $dbcdate[2]) {
			if ($_date[0] < $dbcdate[0]) {$older = 1;}
			#sort for month
			elsif ($_date[0] == $dbc[0]) {
				if ($_date[1] < $dbcdate[1]) {$older = 1;}
			#sort for day
				elsif ($_date[1] == $dbcdate[1]) {

(alphabetically) using @db and @in,

duplicates, combine where needed.
					if ($_[0] eq $dbc[0]) {
					#if they're equal in date and user,

						$dbc[2] += $_[2];
						$dbc[3] += $_[3];
						$dbc[4] += $_[4];
						@newnas = split/ /,$_[5];
					#nas means something- I don't
remember what, though. =)

						for $x ( 0 .. $#newnas ) {
if ($dbc[5] !~ m/$newnas[$x]/) { chomp( $dbc[5] .= " $newnas[$x]" ); } }
#combine servers

						$db[$i] =
"$dbc[0]\t$dbc[1]\t$dbc[2]\t$dbc[3]\t$dbc[4]\t$dbc[5]"; #set
						next READ;

						$sortable[0] = $db[0];
					#create array for sorting
						$sortable[1] = $_[0];
					#create array for sorting
						@sorted = sort (@sortable);
					#sort array
						if ($sorted[0] ne
$sortable[0]) {$older = 1;}	#check for placement and place accordingly

		if ($older == 1) {
			$q = $#db + 1;
			until ($q < $i) {$db[$q] = $db[$q - 1]; $q--;}
		#move each @db item up one
			$db[$i] = $in;
						#insert db item into $db[$i]
			next READ;
							#yeah, I could just
copy the array, but this saves on memory. =)
	if ($i == $#db) {push (@db, $_);}
	#data is newer than all 'db' array elements. Place at end and
close IN;

#open (OUT, ">newlysorted.tab");
$v = 0;
while ($v <= $#db) {print "$db[$v]\n"; $v++;}		#would be print OUT
#close (OUT);

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