>On the MAC I have a folder on the Desktop called "Frads" and this folder >contains many (probably about 50) files. I want to open each file 1 by >1 (using a while statement as above) and then operate on the file. I guess the >main help I need is figuring out how to access the MAC file system so >I can open each file in the "Frads" folder 1 by 1. I think this should be very >easy for anyone who has experience using MAC-perl. After knowing the manner how to describe file path, and correcting your script so as to work on MacPerl, you can get good results. Assuming the followings: Disk Name: 'MyDisk' Folder Name: 'SomeFolder' File Name: 'hoge' Write as followings: Absolute path: "MyDisk:SomeFolder:hoge" Relative to current folder (relative to MacPerl folder or the forder where your script is placed): "hoge" or ":hoge" Relative to current folder but in sub-folder: ":SomeFolder:hoge" Relative to current folder but in upper-folder: "::hoge" Relative to current folder but in sub-folder of upper-folder: "::SomeFolder:hoge" Summary: UNIX Macintosh --------------------------------------------------------- current directory ./ : upper directory ../ :: root directory / (Disk Name) file in CWD (Some Name) (Some Name) directory/folder in CWD (Some Name) ":" + (Some Name) In Macintosh, file name alone, or starting ":" and ending other character than ":" means the file or folder in current working directory/folder. If the last character of the name/path is equal to ":", Macintosh think it is folder/directory. If the first character of the name/path is not ":" but the name/path contains ":", Macintosh think it is absolute path. Can you understand? If you wish to make it more easily, you should better to use "&MacPerl'Choose" function. Try as follows: require "GUSI.ph"; exit unless ($dir = &MacPerl'Choose(&GUSI'AF_FILE, 0, "Which folder", "", &GUSI'CHOOSE_DIR)); opendir(TEMP, $dir); foreach $file (readdir(TEMP)) { $fname = "$dir:$file"; next if (-d $fname); # skip sub-folder # you must also skip invisible file print "$fname\n"; # replace this line by your work; } closedir(TEMP); Once you run above script, you can understand how it work, I think. ------------------------------------------------- Mamoru Yamanishi <yama@biotech.okayama-u.ac.jp> +81-86-251-8196(voice), +81-86-251-8264(GIII fax) Biotech. Dept., Okayama Univ. ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch