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Re: [MacPerl] MAC Filesystem Help


Here's a code fragment that, given a starting directory
(folder), will recursively descend and do something for
each file:

use Mac::Files;

$total = 0;
$totalPhys = 0;

$dir = "Internal:temp";

sub fileRoutine()
	local($fil) = @_;
	# do your per file stuff here. The following 3 code lines
	# are an example.
	$has = FSpGetCatInfo($fil);
	$total += $has->{ioFlLgLen} + $has->{ioFlRLgLen};
	$totalPhys += $has->{ioFlPyLen} + $has->{ioFlRPyLen};

sub recurseDir ()
	local($path, $fileOperator) = @_;
	opendir( DIR, $path ) || die "Can't open $path : $!";
	local(@fileList) = readdir( DIR );
	closedir( DIR );

	# Unless you change $[, Perl arrays are zero based...
	# $# is the index of the last item in the array, so
	# we need to add 1 to get the size of the array.
	$numFiles += $#fileList + 1;
	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#fileList; $i++)
		$fil = "$path:$fileList[$i]";
		# Evidently Stuffit Expander had a bug where it
		# created files with an empty name.
		next if($fileList[$i] =~ /icon\n/i);	# skip over custom icon files.
		@info = stat($fil);
		if( -d _ )
			if(! -l $fil)
			# don't follow aliases, if they're in the directory structure
			# we'll eventually get to them, if they're not, we probably
			# don't want to go to them.
				&recurseDir( "$fil" , $fileOperator);

&recurseDir( $dir , \&fileRoutine);
print "$numFiles for $total(logical) bytes, $totalPhys(physical) bytes\n";

Tom Kimpton
Mrs. Bun: Have you got anything without spam?
Waitress: Well, there's spam egg sausage and spam, that's not got
much spam in it.
Mrs. Bun: I don't want any spam!

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