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Re: [MacPerl] Compilation error with "elsif" command

At 23.39 1998.03.08, Diana L. Dubel wrote:
>#1/usr/bin/perl -w

Not that it matters in MacPerl, but in Unix perl, that 1 must be a ! if you
want to execute the script directly.

>          if ($words[$i] eq $guess) } # right?

Nope.  :)  You probably got this error message, or something similar:

# syntax error, near ") }"
File 'Untitled #4'; Line 16
# syntax error, near "} elsif"
File 'Untitled #4'; Line 18
# Execution of Untitled #4 aborted due to compilation errors.

Look at the first error message first.  Fix that bracket, and you're good to go.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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