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Re: [MacPerl] Problems with AFM::Font

On Sun, 8 Mar 1998 20:43:40 -0500, Chris Nandor wrote:
>You should probably send this to Gisle Aas, the author of the module.  You
>can get his address at:
>  http://cpan.perl.org/authors/00whois.html#GAAS

That would not be a good idea in this case, because G•sle is not the
cause of the problems described. Matthias added the code to find the Mac
font directory, and it was I who deliberately left Font::AFM in full Unix
mode in the first place . There were two reasons for this. First, at the
time I had no idea where AFM fonts lived on a Mac. Second, and more
important, I have no idea whether they're plain data fork files in the
same format as their Unix cousins, and they will have to be in order for
Font::AFM to work.

I've saved the patch. Jim, if you can assure me that the patch actually
works (i.e. you can both find the metrics files and *use them*) then I can
roll it into my MacPerl port of LWP and send the patched file to Matthias.
A quick look at my wife's G3 shows nothing that looks like an AFM on it,
so my machines will be the same, and I won't have any way of testing this.
(Frankly, I'm amazed that the AFM equivalent on a Mac isn't stuffed into
the resource fork of the actual fonts file.)

So long as there's a seperate Mac port of LWP, it's best to send bug
reports to Matthias or me. We're the ones that will know whether or not
the problem was our fault.

>Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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>#== New Book: MacPerl: Power and Ease ==#
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Paul J. Schinder

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