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[MacPerl] MacPerl: Power and Ease - Status Report (980309)

            MacPerl: Power and Ease - Status Report (980309)

The Book

  Vicki has started "Curious Constructions", changed "Functions" into
  "Reserved Words", and created an "Operators" chapter.  Chris is off
  doing "Graphics And GUIs"; expect to see results Real Soon Now...

  More than two dozen chapters are now available online in both PDF
  and PostScript format.  Ignoring overhead chapters (e.g., Contents),
  here is a summary of the material that is in progress or currently
  available in the Draft Chapters area of the MacPerl Pages

    Chapter Title                       Revision        Notes
    =============                       ========        =====

    Foreword                            -               in progress
    Conventions                         ABCDEF

      Part I - Preparation

    Introduction                        ABCDEFG
    A Peek Into Programming             ABCDEFG
    A Dip Into Data                     ABCDEFG
    A Step Into Syntax                  ABCDEFG
    Installation And Overview           ABCDEF

      Part II - Learning The Language

    Building Blocks                     ABCD
    Stacking The Blocks                 ABC
    Filing The Edges                    AB
    Curious Constructions               A               new (partial)
    Odd Corners	                        -               in progress
    What Next?                          -               in progress
    Help!                               -               in progress

      Part III - Advanced Topics

    Extensibility And Re-use            ABCDEF
    The MacPerl Package                 ABCD
    The Toolbox Modules                 ABCD
    Graphics And GUIs                   -		in progress
    Data Storage                        AB
    CGI Scripting                       ABC
    Network Programming                 ABC
    AppleScript, Etc.                   AB

      Part IV - Reference

    Operators				A		new
    Reserved Words                      AB   		revised
    Special Variables			ABCD
    MPW Perl				ABCD
    Building MacPerl And Extensions	AB

      Part V - Resources

    Books, Etc.				ABCDEFG
    Contact Information			ABCDEFG
    Colophon				AB

Grab Some Glory!

  Several dozen members of this list now have their names listed on our
  Acknowledgements page (http://www.ptf.com/MacPerl/ptf_book/acks.html)
  and will be mentioned in the Acknowledgements chapter of the published
  book.  Some of these folks are Perl experts; others are newbies.

  They have all taken the time, however, to drop us a line and tell us
  what they think needs to be changed in the book and/or disc.  Please
  join their number; your feedback will help us create a better product!

The Disc

  The MacPerl 0.5 disc has been shipping for a few weeks now; reports are
  beginning to come in.  The response has been quite favorable; people
  seem to like the unpacked, indexed CPAN snapshot, the utilities, etc.

  We have received some problem reports as well, which we hope to handle
  in the 1.0 release.  If you have noticed any problems with the 0.5 disc,
  PLEASE send us a note.  We can't fix things we don't know about!

Rich Morin, Canta Forda Computer Laboratory | Prime Time Freeware - quality
  UNIX consulting, training, and writing    | freeware at affordable prices
  P.O. Box 1488, Pacifica, CA, 94044, USA   | www.ptf.com      info@ptf.com
  rdm@cfcl.com            +1 650-873-7841   | +1 408-433-9662   -0727 (Fax)

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