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Re: [MacPerl] Client-Server Problems

At 5:36 PM 98.03.11, Thomas R. Kimpton wrote:

> I didn't pick up on this problem at first glance, but, Takashi's
> message jogged my memory.  It looks like Telnet is doing TELNET Option
> Negotiation. You can decode this by looking in /usr/include/arpa/telnet.h
> on your SunOS box (or a variant on whatever unix/linux box you have
> available). When you connect to services that use TELNET option
> negotiation for their control protocol, or similarly, clients that
> use it, you'll receive this.

[stuff deleted]

Thanks, Thomas,  for your information about TELNET Option negotiation. I
didn't know about that at all.

By the way, reviewing my response to Jon Jacob's original post, I found
that my addtion to his code was essentially unnecessary for the server's
goal. I added those lines because Jon's post reminded me that I once had
needed to handle the telnet negotiation string when I wrote MY server
script (accepting login messages from telnet etc). I just copied it from my
script. But, now I found what I put in Jon's code was unnecessary, even
nonsense. I'm embarrased and am sorry for giving confusion.

Removing my lines from the script, I confirmed that Jon's orginal server
code runs OK on my Mac, as well as my NCSA telnet can work with the server
correctly. So, it seems -- no problem.

Takashi Ikemi

Technology of Asia, Co.,Ltd.

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