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Re: [MacPerl] process.pm under macperl 513

Sorry, i answer to myself, but "a" solution is to recall
"GetProcessInformation" in order to work...

The problem is solved, but for my personal knowledge i am very
interesting in understanding why ???

> use Mac::Files;
> use Mac::Memory;
> use Mac::Processes;
> use Mac::MoreFiles(%Application);
> use Mac::AppleEvents;
> ....
> sub kill_all
> {
> local($psn,$psi,$pi,$a,$desc,$event,$PSNFINDER,$PSNPERL,$PIFINDER,$sig);
>         $a = GetCurrentProcess;
>         @PPSN=();
>         @PPI=();
>         while (($psn, $psi) = each(%Process))
>         {
>                 push(@PPSN,$psn) ;
>                 push(@PPI,$psi) ;
>                 print $psn." ".$psi->{processName}." ".$psi."\n";
>         }
>         $len = $#PPSN;
>         for ($i=0;$i<=$len;$i++)
>         {
>                 $psn = $PPSN[$i];
>                 $psi = $PPI[$i];
		  $psi = GetProcessInformation($PSN)

Laurent BARDI Ingenieur Systemes & Reseaux 
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Tel : 05-61-17-54-39             http://www.ipbs.fr/
Fax : 05-61-17-59-94             lolo@ipbs.fr
CNRS-IPBS 205 Route de Narbonne 31400 TOULOUSE FRANCE 

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