I have been extremely busy and it looks like it will get even busier before I leave for vacation (April). So if anyone was wondering if I'd fallen off of the face of the earth - I did. :-) Anyway, I'm playing around with things here at the house and came across this problem. This program I am writing causes MacPerl to die. So I thought I'd run MacPerl via the debugger. I get a message saying MacPerl can not find perl5db.pl. The debugger I assume. "Ok," I said to myself, "I'll just reload MacPerl from the CD." So I did - same error. So I looked through my library references - they were all pointing to the correct location. >I< could see/find the perl5db.pl file. But MacPerl couldn't. I tried puttting in a line of code to add in the path to the @INC array - but MacPerl died before it even got to that point. Any ideas? Program: #!perl # # The next line gets the incoming web page information. # It works like CGI but is a part of my own home brewed # software which has not changed radically in over six months # and which works well in my other programs. # $theInfo = &getInfo(); @newInfo = split( /&/, $theInfo ); for( @newInfo ){ if( /whoami/i ){ s/^.*=//; $whoami = &generic::stripAll( $_ ); } if( /^card_/i ){ @theLine = split( /\=/ ); @theNumber = split( /\_/, $theLine[0] ); @theCards[$theNumber[1]] = $theLine[1]; } } open( THEFILE, ">output.dat" ) || die $!; for( @theCards ){ print THEFILE "$_\n"; } close( THEFILE ); exit( 0 ); # # When MacPerl reaches this statement, it closes # itself unlike other times when MacPerl remains # active. # ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch