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[MacPerl] Perl book..

While browsing thourgh your book which I downloaded today,
I tried an example script.  I copied it and had it run.  it goes
like this.

print('please type something: ');
print ("You typed: $input\n");

$len = length($input);
print("Your input is $len characters long.\n");

$position = index($input,'');
if ($position <0) {
print ("There are no blanks in your input.\n");
} else {
print ("There is a blank at position $position.\n");
if ($position <0) {
$substr= $input;
} else {
$substr = substr($input,0, $position);
print ("the first word you typed was $substr.\n");

if ($input =~ //) {
print ("There is a blank in your input.\n");
} else {
print ("There are no blanks in your input.\n");

When I ran the script, I got the following answer.

please type something: Chris, that was a nice book you wrote. Thanks

You typed: Chris, that was a nice book you wrote. Thanks
Your input is 45 characters long.
There is a blank at position 0.
the first word you typed was .
There is a blank in your input.

The first word "Chris" did not show up. Can you be of some help
and correct my mistake.


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