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Re: [MacPerl] key event handler in dialogs

At 04.55 1998.05.01, Alan Fry wrote:
>If you look at Dialogs.pm you will find the line;
>        defined($handled = $_[0]->callhook("key", @_)) and return $handled;
>which leads one to suppose that if you were to return 'undef', (a zero is
>'defined' within the meaning of the act) the key stroke would be regarded
>as 'not' handled' and passed on to the default handling procedure.
>However this is defeated by a line in Hooks.pm which reads;
>        $hook = "Sort of defined" unless defined ($hook);
>which has the effect of always converting an undefined return to the
>very-much-defined string "Sort of defined". I am not sure why this line is
>there, but feel it might perhaps be better if it were not.
>This line has the effect that if you intercept _any_ key, you are forced to
>handle _all_ keys. Since all hook calls are similarly drafted, the same
>sine qua non applies to the interception of 'clicks', 'updates', or
>anything else for which one might set a hook.

Ah!  Matthias, we need a word from you on this.  I too (obviously) was
wondering why returning undef/unhandled did not allow the keypresses to go
directly into the text filed in the dialog box.  It seems wrong to me that
they do not.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
MacPerl: Power and Ease (ISBN 1881957322), http://www.ptf.com/macperl/
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