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Re: [MacPerl] AppleScriptLib - Where art thou?

At 08.13 1998.05.04, Mark T. Johns wrote:
>I have searched the archives, and I didn't find a clear answer to the
>   Where do I find AppleScriptLib 1.2.2?
>I ran Chris's whichMacPerl, and it says thus:
>   CFM-68K Runtime Enabler     4.0      4.0
>   ObjectSupportLib            1.2      1.2
>   AppleScriptLib            1.2.2      1.1
>I have looked on support.apple.com, and various other places. Is there a URL
>where this file is located? (Side bar: Why doesn't Apple have it?)
>Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.

Apple SHOULD make it freely available on their ftp archives.  AFAIK, they
do not.  I think it only comes with Mac OS 7.6(.1?) and later.

However, someone on the list might break the law and send it to you.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
MacPerl: Power and Ease (ISBN 1881957322), http://www.ptf.com/macperl/
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