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Re: [MacPerl] Using UNIX style filenames with MacPerl

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At 4:30 PM +0200 5/14/98, Gerald Young wrote:

} Hmm; and Millions of MacPerl users have to hand-edit UNIX CPAN scripts.
} Clever?

Oh, please.  First, there aren't "millions of MacPerl users".  Second, the
routines that I've used from CPAN either don't have any Unix paths at all
or look for things like /etc/resolv.conf or $ENV{HOME}/.signature.  For
those you have to edit anyway.  Module authors should be encouraged to not
use Unix paths where they're not necessary (in a use or require, for
example, where there almost never necessary) and to put override
envirnoment variables first ($signature = $ENV{SIGNATURE} ||
$ENV{HOME}/.signature).  But that's about all that can reasonable be done,
since Perl provides no support for constructing paths (File::Spec is a
primitive try).

MacOS isn't Unix (yet).  Perl is a Unix tool ported to MacOS.  Those tools
that don't allow / in MacOS file/folder names are broken.  When
Rhapsody/MacOS X comes, a solution will probably present itself.  I'm
certainly curious to see what Apple does about the path problem.

} -- Gerald

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Paul J. Schinder

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