At 11:46 -0700 98/05/17, Douglas P. McNutt wrote: > >Fixed file names are almost the equivalent of assuming a date is 19xx. Doug's got a good point. When writing "category 0 code" (used by yourself and no one else) embedded path names are (if not the best coding practice) perhaps acceptable. As the code passes into category 1 ( aka "alpha" or used by friends) and category 2 (aka "beta", friend of friends), hard-coded paths are less acceptable. As are hard-coded constants. At category 3 ("released", used by people you may never meet), hard-coded stuff should have been removed. The modules submitted to the CPAN _should_ be category 3 code. Except for a few "file in the current directory" things (maybe) these modules should look for what they need in "well-known" places: along the path, in the Libraries paths, etc. So (imo) much of the discussion we are having involves a desire to modify MacPerl to deal with code that should have been written differently in the first place. That said, unfortunately, some of us still have hard-coded paths in our code; at work we're gradually going through and removing the pathnames from the code. When I work on a script, I may not always be in a position to remove those hard-coded paths this time (sigh). When this code was written, only "we" used it. Now (gleep!) we've making it available to customers and _they_ don't seem to want to need /data/blastdb directories on their systems (fancy that :-). It's a toss-up. Our simple hard-coded Perl scripts now require more file/directory name arguments. The burden shifts from the script to the user. Vicki (in case you're interested, category 4 is "you don't need to explain why you use this program" and category 5 is "you may be called upon to explain why you do not". Perl is at about 4.5. MacPerl is probably still at 3.5. The categories come from a Usenix talk by Stu Feldman some 8 years back.) --- Vicki Brown, |\ _,,,---,,_ Journeyman Sourceror ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ Scripts & Philtres |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' '---''(_/--' `-'\_) P.O. Box 1269 San Bruno, CA 94066 ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to