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Re: [MacPerl] '' vs q()

>>>>> "JC" == Juergen Christoffel <Mac.Christoffel@gmd.de> writes:

JC> Finally, it is my opinion that here documents should be deprecated in the
JC> next version, because one can easily accomplish the same with generalized
JC> quoting which is less troublesome syntactically.

print <<TIMTOWTDI;
No, way.

Here docs are just too useful. Especially for _very_ long textual
areas. I'm especially fond of them when working with Sql when I don't
want to bother with a stored procedure.

Think of it as another quoting mechanism.

As the saying goes:

Chaim Frenkel					     Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
chaimf@cris.com					               +1-718-236-0183

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