I'm running into a curious situation I'm having trouble debugging. LWP (libwww-perl-5.13) is returning "Illegal content in request (LVALUE)" (I modified the error to report the ref()). I never supply content to the request. My sample program below doesn't actually reproduce the problem by itself, but shows the call sequence that is used. Can anyone explain how one can even create a ref to an LVALUE so I can try to find where this might be happening? ----- use LWP::UserAgent; HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Status; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent('myagent'); $method = 'GET'; $url = 'http://www.netscape.com'; $req = new HTTP::Request $method, $url; $response = $ua->request($req); $content = $response->content; $fnd = $response->code; $extraMsg = ' -- ' . $response->message; if (is_success($fnd)) { print("url found ($fnd): " . status_message($fnd) . "$extraMsg\n"); } else { print("url not found ($fnd): " . status_message($fnd) . "$extraMsg\n"); }; _______ Will Neuhauser willn@quando.com Chief Technical Officer, VP Development Quando, Inc. Tel: 1 (503) 225-1988 520 NW Davis Street Fax: 1 (503) 225-1987 Portland, OR 97209 USA ***** Want to unsubscribe from this list? ***** Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to mac-perl-request@iis.ee.ethz.ch