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[MacPerl] $my_debugger{contains_bugs} = 1;

I am trying to write an alternate Perl debugger.

Here it is (so far):


package DB;

$^O eq 'MacOS' or die "This debugger requires MacPerl.";

open DBW, "> Dev:Console:Debug Lines"
  or die "Couldn't open debugger output window: $!";

sub DB {
  my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;

  my $packlines = \@{"main::_<$filename"};
  printf DBW "%-4s %s\n", "$line:", do {chomp (my $temp =
$packlines->[$line]); $temp}
    if $package !~ /^Mac/;



However, when this simple program is run (with my debugger), it does not
wait for input properly:

print "?";
print scalar <STDIN>;
print "end\n";

  Kevin Reid.      |         Macintosh.
   "I'm me."       |      Think different.

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