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Re: [MacPerl] Frontier/MacPerl dictionary

>>   http://www.execpc.com/~raster/frontier/frontperl.html

>Like all such lists, the problem is that you'll never see those things
>that can be done in Perl and not in Frontier and vice versa.  Some of
>the Perl also seems a little constrained.  For example, if I wanted to
>read an entire file into a variable, your way would work well enough,
>but I might do $s = join("",<FILE>); and not have to muck around with
>$/. Or put the whole thing in a block so I could use local:

I should note, I definitely *do not* know the best way or all the ways
to do this in Perl, the list I've created is a basic comparison of
how to do things. The 'read a file' in Perl isn't my way, someone
emailed the code to me, I didn't know how to do it that way until
yesterday ;)  and of course I'm coming from UserTalk to Perl...

Just hoping to teach myself and others...


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