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Re: [MacPerl] Bug report for CFM68k shared Storable module

At 2:23 PM -0400 8/5/98, Chris Nandor wrote:

} Does anyone else with a CFM68K installation have any experiences with
} Storable, either this build or a previous one?  Paul, did some of the tests
} work?  Does some brave soul with a CFM68K installation want to test it out?
} Does someone want to donate a 68K machine to me?  :-)

One of the tests worked, canonical.t.  All of the rest that I tried failed.
As I said, the one curious commong thing was the "require 't/dump.pl'" in
each of the problem tests, but that may have nothing to do with it at all.

On the chance that upgrading to Ram Doubler 8.0.1 might have fixed the
problem, I just ran dclone.t again, and got dumped into MacsBug.  However,
this time it gave me a better StdLog, which I append.

I also installed the latest MIME::Base64 and Data::Dumper builds, and both
of those worked just fine.

} Thanks in advance,
} --
} Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
} %PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10  1FF77F13 8180B6B6'])

Paul J. Schinder

  MacsBug 6.5.4a3c1,  Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-97

Bus Error at 00F11C82 Perl_mg_find+00010
while reading long word from 81000058 in User data space

  5-Aug-98 7:37:21 PM (since boot = 23 minutes)
  Current application is "MacPerl"
  Machine = 84 (PowerBook165), System $0761, sysu = $01008000
  ROM version $067C, $18F1, $0000 (ROMBase $40800000)
  VM is on; paging is currently safe (RAM Doubler is here!)
  NIL^ = $40810000
  Stack space used = +2668
 Address 00F11C82 is in the "MacPerl" heap at 00EE207C at Perl_mg_find+00010
 The address is in a CFM fragment "Perl" [non-write exec]
 It is 0002F9C2 bytes from the start of the fragment
 It is 0002F9CE bytes into this heap block:
     Start    Length      Tag  Mstr Ptr Lock Prg  Type   ID   File      Name
  * 00EE22B4 001129C8+00   N
 68030 Registers
  D0 = 00008000      A0 = 81000040       USP  = 016385D8
  D1 = 00000050      A1 = 01020064       MSP  = 9AB44443
  D2 = 00000000      A2 = 00000001       ISP  = 01BFFCFC
  D3 = 00000000      A3 = 0118465C       VBR  = 00047C88
  D4 = 00000001      A4 = 0118465C       CACR = 00003111     SFC = 7
  D5 = 00000000      A5 = 0101C068       CAAR = B6DC619C     DFC = 7
  D6 = 011853FC      A6 = 016385E0       PC   = 00F11C82
  D7 = FFFFF900      A7 = 016385D8       SR   = smxnzvc      Int = 0
 Disassembling from 00F11C70
     +0006C 00F11C70   DC.W       $0000                      ; '**'       |
     +00000 00F11C72   MOVEA.L    (A1),A5                                 |
     +00002 00F11C74   LINK       A6,#$FFF8                               |
4E56 FFF8
     +00006 00F11C78   MOVE.L     $000C(A6),D1                            |
222E 000C
     +0000A 00F11C7C   MOVEA.L    $0008(A6),A0                            |
206E 0008
     +0000E 00F11C80   MOVEA.L    (A0),A0                                 |
     +00010 00F11C82  *MOVEA.L    $0018(A0),A1                            |
2268 0018
     +00014 00F11C86   BRA.S      Perl_mg_find+00026         ; 00F11C98   |
     +00016 00F11C88   MOVE.B     $000A(A1),D0                            |
1029 000A
     +0001A 00F11C8C   EXTB.L     D0                                      |
     +0001C 00F11C8E   CMP.L      D1,D0                                   |
     +0001E 00F11C90   BNE.S      Perl_mg_find+00024         ; 00F11C96   |
     +00020 00F11C92   MOVE.L     A1,D0                                   |
     +00022 00F11C94   BRA.S      Perl_mg_find+0002C         ; 00F11C9E   |
     +00024 00F11C96   MOVEA.L    (A1),A1                                 |
 Heap zones
  #1  32        7703K  00002000 to 00787F5F  SysZone^
  #2  32           2K    00002338 to 00002EEB
  #3  32          10K    000A40D8 to 000A68D7
  #4  32         128K    004ADBF4 to 004CDBF3
  #5  32         256K    004FB7BC to 0053B7BB
  #6  32       20150K  00787F60 to 01B35B43
  #7  32        7347K    00EE207C to 0160F04B  "MacPerl"  ApplZone^
TheZone^  TargetZone
  #8  32          11K    01921094 to 01923FC7
  #9  32          11K    01923FD4 to 01926DCB
  #10 32           4K    01926DD8 to 01927DE3
  #11 32           3K    0192BA3C to 0192C8C7
  #12 32           4K    0192C8D4 to 0192DC93
  #13 32           1K    0192E4FC to 0192EBA7
  #14 32         183K    0194ED8C to 0197CB2F  "File Sharing Extension"
  #15 32         258K    01A8C3A0 to 01ACCF93
  #16 32         199K    01ACD52C to 01AFF253  "Finder"
  #17 32          30K      01AF6BAC to 01AFE3AB
  #18 32          95K    01B11C74 to 01B2993B  "Dcor Daemon"
Checking all heaps
 The System heap at 00002000 is ok
 The heap at 00002338 is ok
 The heap at 000A40D8 is ok
 The heap at 004ADBF4 is ok
 The heap at 004FB7BC is ok
 The Process Manager heap at 00787F60 is ok
 The "MacPerl" heap at 00EE207C is ok
 The heap at 01921094 is ok
 The heap at 01923FD4 is ok
 The heap at 01926DD8 is ok
 The heap at 0192BA3C is ok
 The heap at 0192C8D4 is ok
 The heap at 0192E4FC is ok
 The "File Sharing Extension" heap at 0194ED8C is ok
 The heap at 01A8C3A0 is ok
 The "Finder" heap at 01ACD52C is ok
 The heap at 01AF6BAC is ok
 The "Dcor Daemon" heap at 01B11C74 is ok
 Totaling the "MacPerl" heap at 00EE207C
                                 Total Blocks    Total of Block Sizes
  Free                           0016      #22   0046CBA8     #4639656
  Nonrelocatable                 009D     #157   002A1ECC     #2760396
  Relocatable                    00C8     #200   0001E518      #124184
    Locked                       0004       #4   00000600        #1536
    Purgeable and not locked     0004       #4   000000A8         #168
  Heap size                      017B     #379   0072CF8C     #7524236
 The target heap is the System heap at 00002000
 Totaling the System heap at 00002000
                                 Total Blocks    Total of Block Sizes
  Free                           006B     #107   000091C4       #37316
  Nonrelocatable                 0250     #592   002CA6EC     #2926316
  Relocatable                    09E5    #2533   004B266C     #4925036
    Locked                       01B2     #434   003C2B28     #3943208
    Purgeable and not locked     0054      #84   0004DCF4      #318708
  Heap size                      0CA0    #3232   00785F1C     #7888668
 The target heap is the "MacPerl" heap at 00EE207C
 Displaying File Control Blocks
  fRef File                   Vol         Type Fl Fork     LEof
  0002 System                 Macintosh  zsys dW rsrc #5583958
  0060                        Macintosh  **** dw data #1047552
  00BE                        Macintosh  **** dw data #2174976
  0816 VM Storage             Macintosh  SWAP dW data       #0
  0874 Users & Groups Data F Macintosh  BTFL dW data   #12288
  08D2 Open Transport Library Macintosh  libr dw rsrc  #517139
  0930 Shared Library Manager Macintosh  INIT dw rsrc  #168345
  098E Open Transport Library Macintosh  libr dw rsrc  #517139
  09EC Open Tpt AppleTalk Li Macintosh  libr dw rsrc  #479403
  0A4A Open Tpt Internet Lib Macintosh  libr dw rsrc  #443820
  0AA8 OpenTpt Remote Access Macintosh  libr dw rsrc  #355515
  0B06 OpenTpt Modem 68K      Macintosh  libr dw rsrc   #56721
  0B64 OpenTpt Remote Access Macintosh  libr dw rsrc  #355515
  0BC2 Remote Access Log      Macintosh  lzlg dW data  #405504
  0C20 Serial (Built-in)      Macintosh  libr dw rsrc   #37511
  0C7E Appearance Extension   Macintosh  INIT dw rsrc  #651559
  0CDC Remote Access Log      Macintosh  lzlg dW data   #12288
  0D3A Dcor Daemon           Macintosh  appe dW rsrc   #80202
  0D98 Appearance Extension   Macintosh  INIT dw rsrc  #651559
  0DF6 Finder                 Macintosh  FNDR dW rsrc  #515019
  0E54 Queue Temp             Macintosh  Temp dW data       #0
  0EB2 QuickDraw GX          Macintosh  fext dw rsrc  #950223
  0F10 QuickTime             Macintosh  INIT dw data  #298076
  0F6E Mac OS Easy Open       Macintosh  cdev dw rsrc  #132629
  102A LaserWriter GX         Macintosh  pdvr dw rsrc   #77192
  1088 ImageWriter GX         Macintosh  pdvr dw rsrc   #40434
  10E6 N-Up Printing          Macintosh  pext dw rsrc   #23170
  1144 Finder Preferences     Macintosh  pref dW rsrc   #14221
  11A2 Desktop DB             Macintosh  BTFL dW data  #245760
  1200 Desktop DF             Macintosh  DTFL dW data #1867698
  125E Clipping Extension     Macintosh  fext dW rsrc   #26115
  12BC Finder Scripting Exte Macintosh  fext dW rsrc  #203081
  131A Network Extension      Macintosh  fext dW rsrc   #81343
  1378 Users & Groups Data F Macintosh  BTFL dW data   #12288
  13D6 File Sharing Extension Macintosh  INIT dW rsrc  #194085
  1434 QuickDraw GX          Macintosh  fext dW rsrc  #950223
  1492 Dcor Prefs            Macintosh  pref dW rsrc    #1254
  14F0 N-Up Printing          Macintosh  pext dw rsrc   #23170
  154E LaserWriter GX         Macintosh  dvcf dW rsrc    #3514
  15AC Users & Groups Data F Macintosh  BTFL dW data   #12288
  160A AppleShare PDS         Macintosh  BTFL dW data  #184320
  1668 StdLog                 Macintosh  TEXT dW data    #7985
  16C6 MacPerl                Macintosh  APPL dW rsrc  #110059
  #98 FCBs, #63 in use (including #20 fonts not listed), #35 free
 Displaying resource information:
  >   Map $00EE21B4, flags $0000, file $16C6 = MacPerl
   +  Map $0012899C, flags $001E, file $0C7E = Appearance Extension
    S Map $00002064, flags $000D, file $0002 = System
      Map $0012EDD0, flags $801C, file $0EB2 = QuickDraw GX
      Map $0015FAE4, flags $0000, file $0F6E = Mac OS Easy Open
      [Skipped $0014 maps belonging to font files]
 Calling chain using A6 links
  A6 Frame   Caller
  0163903C  01025BA0
  01638F1C  0021D3F2 CallUniversalProc+00D3A
  01638EDC  00FA879C longjmp+0008C
  01638EBC  00EF03E6 main+00416
  01638E90  00EEFF0E MainEvent+0042C
  01638E30  00EEF89E HandleEvent+00198
  01638DF4  00EEEFA4 DoCommand+002FE
  01638CCC  00EF781E DoScriptMenu+00236
  01638BF4  00EF757A SendScriptEvent+001DE
  01638B80  019A9778 AESend+00040
  01638B40  0021C8F2 CallUniversalProc+0023A
  01638B02  00268EF8
  01638A74  00268ABA
  01638A0E  002684A8
  016389D4  0103E250
  01638996  0021D302 CallUniversalProc+00C4A
  01638948  00EF8D6A DoScript+00184
  016388FC  00EF83A2 RunScript+002CA
  016387BC  00EFE0E0 run_perl+000E4
  016387A0  00F167DA perl_run+002A8
  01638744  00F5E194 Perl_runops+0003E
  01638730  00F2D908 Perl_pp_entersub+00584
  016386DC  019203A8 XS_Storable_dclone+0007C
  016386B4  0191FD4C dclone+000F0
  01638698  0191FAA6 do_retrieve+000A0
  01638678  0191F750 retrieve+0037C
  01638640  0191E700 retrieve_array+00132
  0163860C  00F013A8 Perl_av_store+0003A
 Return addresses on the stack
  Stack Addr  Frame Addr   ISA   Caller
   0163899E                68K   0026846E
   0163899A                68K   0103E250
   0163894C    01638948    68K   0021D302 CallUniversalProc+00C4A
   01638944                68K   00263736
   0163892C                68K   01059BDE
   01638900    016388FC    68K   00EF8D6A DoScript+00184
   016388F8    016388F4    68K   00EF8D24 DoScript+0013E
   016388EC                68K   00EF8C64 DoScript+0007E
   016388CC                68K   01059BDE
   016388AC    016388A8    68K   00EF7F4E MakePerlEnviron+00274
   01638888    01638884    68K   0199CF0E NewPtr+00026
   01638858                68K   0021CB3A CallUniversalProc+00482
   01638850                68K   00787F4C
   01638838                68K   00787F4C
   016387EC                68K   01059BDE
   016387C0    016387BC    68K   00EF83A2 RunScript+002CA
   016387A4    016387A0    68K   00EFE0E0 run_perl+000E4
   01638776                68K   00F16566 perl_run+00034
   01638748    01638744    68K   00F167DA perl_run+002A8
   01638734    01638730    68K   00F5E194 Perl_runops+0003E
   01638718                68K   00F1C64E Perl_pp_refgen+000CE
   016386E0    016386DC    68K   00F2D908 Perl_pp_entersub+00584
   016386B8    016386B4    68K   019203A8 XS_Storable_dclone+0007C
   016386B0    016386AC    68K   00F4661C Perl_sv_upgrade+002EA
   0163869C    01638698    68K   0191FD4C dclone+000F0
   01638694    01638690    68K   0191FCC0 dclone+00064
   0163867C    01638678    68K   0191FAA6 do_retrieve+000A0
   01638664    01638660    68K   00F0155C Perl_newAV+00018
   01638644    01638640    68K   0191F750 retrieve+0037C
   01638610    0163860C    68K   0191E700 retrieve_array+00132
   016385E4    016385E0    68K   00F013A8 Perl_av_store+0003A
 Displaying memory from 0
  00000000  4081 0000 4081 0000  0005 87BA 000B 4990  @**@******I
  00000010  0005 87BE 0005 87C0  4080 26F8 4080 26FA  ****@&*@&*
 Closing log

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